May 29th...this Sunday, I will be trying my hand at improv once again, in the hopes of becoming part of a new Kelowna based theatre company. It's called Murder Mayhem Ink. a murder mystery company trying to bring something new and exciting to the Okanagan...I am hoping to break some legs!! And although improv is not my strongest skill, I feel like I have gotten a lot whittier recently...we will see! hahaha
So remember my KAS audition...and how I didn't get a callback??? Well turns out I got cast in their musical stand series show, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum"'s a great show! Filled with love, deceit, courtesans and tricky ploys. I will be playing the character of Gymnasia: (Greek for "Nude", though could be a play on words for "Gymnasium") A courtesan from the house of Lycus with whom Pseudolus falls in love.
But this is all a long ways away...won't be doing this until the new year, Jan 19th-22nd 2012.
After 2 days of filming at CATO in their production studios and learning the work that goes into being a scripted actor on set, I can't imagine doing anything else. I love, love, love it!!!!!! It consists of long hours and a lot of waiting but in the end it's all worth it. New contacts in the industry, new friends and wealth of knowledge that will only benefit you in the future.
Thank you Harneet, for being an amazing director, your movie is going to be hilarious!
The Verdict: 
No callback for me this time...but I am still being "considered" for ensemble and small roles as far as I know. I'm pretty sure it's really hard for new, young people to get into this company unless you've taken their classes or been in the company already for a long time. They like to cast older people...? 
Anyways, everything happens for a reason right? I think this is the universe's way of telling me that I should be focusing on getting an agent and getting the heck out of here. I love the industry and love community theatre but if I really want to make a lifelong career out of this I have to start getting work that will actually pay me for my talents.
I had so much fun!! This workshop was 2 weeks ago now...We got to find out all about Alyson, and how she casts pilot TV shows for the ABC network and loves discovering fresh new faces that no one has seen or heard of before.  She gave us advice, listened to all of our stories, and most importantly watched us perform our chosen scenes and then helped us make them better. That part was the highlight of my day because she told me to make sure I get an agent because our paths will undoubtedly be crossing in the future. 
She loved my scene, the way I incorporated her previous critics on actors who had chosen the same scene as me and the vibrant energy I brought to the character and made it my own.  These were probably the best compliments I have ever gotten...I feel very proud that I finally have the confidence to rock it in front of an audience, 3 years ago I would never have been able to do something like this!
Preparing for a film shoot @ CATO tomorrow night. All that's left to do is memorize my lines, which are short but sweet! And try on my outfit, super dark bootcut jeans, a frilly light blue collared shirt, long silver necklace and cream coach flats. I'll let you know how it goes...




Audition completed, Friday May 6th. I sang 16 bars from Thoroughly Modern Millie's "Gimme Gimme" and performed a 1 minute monologue from The Girl in the Goldfish Bowl playing the character Iris. I felt really good about it, the monologue that is...the song was average, but I got great feedback! Apparently I have "a very bubbly personality." 
I am waiting to hear if I got a callback for the Kelowna Actors Studio 2011/2012 season. I find out tomorrow, I'll keep you posted! xoxo